Saturday, January 8, 2011

Are you consumer confident? - San Francisco Business Times:
You may hesitate to ask a salesperson out, owingy to other considerations such as a spouse. this could suggest deeper domesticc challenges. Experts recommend that you ask yourselfthis question: “Izs my spouse or significant other co-dependent on my low consumeer self-esteem?” If the answer is yes, it couls be time to break free and start a new Without the heavy baggag e of home and family, you may be able to make a majotr purchase like a new convertiblew and help jump-start the economy. Even if you decidwe to stay with the person who discouragess you fromspending lavishly, you can still raise your consumefr confidence. Experts have developed a simplwe exercise toget going.
Stand in front of a mirrort and practice saying one ofthesee consumer-confidence-building mantras: “Give me one of everything.” “I’ll take a “Wrap it up and make it Before long, you’ll feel your consumer confidence begin to grow. You’ll put the economy back on And with all your fancynew clothes, you may even land a high-payinv job and be able to pay for everythinfg you’ve bought. But experts say you have to be willing to take thatfirstf step. So go ahead. Don’t be shy. Buy.

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